Don't Hook Your Mommy (This is what I kept saying to Rahul as I followed him various fishing holes. I did actually have a couple verses of this in my head, about different friends who have had to go the emergency room after getting a fish hook stuck in various body parts. Luckily--and probably because I kept repeating this title unendingly--no fish hooks got stuck in mommy.)
I'm Never Going Canoeing Again (This is what Rahul said after a rather eventful canoe trip he and I took over to a nearby harbor--for some fishing, of course--that nearly ended with a coastguard rescue. The lake was fairly calm on our trip to the harbor, but by the time we were heading back home the waves had whitecaps and the wind was against us. Rahul and I were heaving and hoeing with all of our might and literally staying in one place. So I called it and we turned around, nearly capsized and headed for the shore of a private beach. Later that day Rahul got introduced to a Smith family classic, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Its a lovely song documenting the death of 29 boatmen on the Great Lakes. Sample lyric: Superior, its said, never gives up her dead. Lovely.)
Grandpop, What's a Redneck? (One can only imagine the lyrics of this song and, believe me, its better that it not get written! Rahul heard me say the word, and when he asked me I was so embarrassed/ashamed that I had used it that I told him it was a bad word. So he asked my dad the next day, and I'm sure he told him ALL about it.)
Marchiano Diablos Caca Poopoo Means I Love You (Marchiano Diablos Caca Poopoo is Rahul's latest catchphrase. He usually has a new one each week, usually a random line from a cartoon, and throughout any given day will insert it in different types of sentences. This is the first time his catchphrase has had an Italian accent.)
Pickup Trucks Don't Float (This would be quite a song. Every year my parents put a dock in the water at the beginning of the summer and take it out again at the end by attaching it to their pickup truck and driving down their right-of-way. This year Rahul was sitting on said dock as it was being loaded into the water, and when my dad stopped the truck to adjust something, I had Rahul get off. While my dad held his foot on the brake I adjusted the ramps that fit behind the large iron wheels of the dock. When I was finished, I moved aside and as my dad prepared for the final descent into the water the trucks brakes gave out and the dock and the entire truck went crashing into the water. The back end of the truck landed on the front end of the dock, where Rahul had just been sitting. Nightmares have been had by all, imagining all the possible outcomes of that scenario. This would definitely be a Country song.)
By All Means, Bring Your Coffee! (After we learned that pickup trucks don't float, we also learned that AAA doesn't cover towing vehicles that are in the water, even if they are only 18 inches from shore. So emergency recovery vehicles had to be brought in. And while extremely helpful, they are not discreet. My parents live on a dirt road. Until a few years ago, it was only known as Fire Lane 44. 3 or 4 huge towing vehicles, covered in flashing lights, parked in my parents' front yard at midnight caused quite a stir in the neighborhood. Personally, I'm not a big fan of many of my parents' neighbors. Much to my peace-at-all-costs mother I have had words with several ill mannered people in her neighborhood who have crossed the line in various ways over the years. I know it upsets her, so I REALLY made an effort to hold my tongue while scads of neighbors she has never met flocked over to see what all the hubbub was about. Most of them began with, "Is there a fire?", which would have been fine if it was uttered with concern, not hopeful glee. And I noticed that all of them except the one neighbor who is actually a dear friend were holding travel coffee mugs. In case they needed a little refreshment while they watched tragedy unfolding. I was inside the house watching all these people flock around my mom and her friend, while I knew she was holding back tears thinking of all the money they were losing by the minute. Finally I had to emerge and join them and my icy stares shushed them right back to their homes. )
While creatively inspired by the events of the week, I am also feeling like I need a vacation!
Album Cover? Baby Fish Mouth is standing in the spot where the dock eventually was placed. |